Restore your self-confidence with a cleaner, younger and purer skin.

The usefulness of a facial cleanser for pimples and blemishes.

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It is a common myth that people with acne-prone skin cannot use a facial cleanser. A number of facial cleansers can be very helpful in the treatment of Acne.

The causes of acne

Acne is the most common skin problem among teenagers and it often continues into adulthood. The most unfavourable form can result in permanent scarring. A pimple is formed when a hair follicle gets stuck with sebum and dead skin cells. Acne is usually caused by the activation of androgenic hormones during the teenage years. Excess production of sebum and bacterial infections aggravate the condition. The most common sites for acne are the face, neck, shoulders, chest and back. Types of acne include blackheads, small bumps, nodules and cysts. Hormonal fluctuations, picking or pushing out pimples and poor skin care can exacerbate the condition of the skin.


We are happy to list the different facial cleansers:


Silicone facial brush & rechargeable facial cleanser

The silicone face brush is very effective in removing dead skin cells and make-up residue from the face. The device gives more than 6000 vibrations per minute. Not only does it clean your face, but as an added benefit, this brush also makes the face firm and toned. These are often extras that you don't worry about as a teenager or young person in your twenties, but are a nice bonus for your future. The vibrations improve blood circulation and the improved circulation results in a healthy and radiant skin. The device is made of hygienic silicone bristles that prevent bacterial infections. A gel-based cleanser works best with a silicone facial brush.

Silicone Facial Brush


Similarly, the 3 in 1 facial cleanser is made to thoroughly cleanse your face. The difference in hairs helps you to remove a different kind of impurities. For example, you can tackle dirt and grime with the black brush while removing makeup with the orange brush. Facial brushes are good for every skin type.  Start using it 2 to 3 times a week.


Don't be afraid of the adjustment period.

Some of you may experience breakouts on first use, but that's nothing to worry about. It is the well-known "adaptation period". Outbreaks happen in the adjustment period because you start losing your dead cells faster while all the bacteria are on your skin. Just stick to your routine and you will see miracles. It will remove all acne scars and pimples from your face and you will experience a visibly brighter complexion.


Vacuum Pore Cleanser

This is an incredible device for treating blackheads. Many facial cleansers available on the market claim to remove blackheads, but they cannot reach the deeper layers. The vacuum pore cleanser only targets the dirt and make-up residue that has accumulated in the pores. The suction level of the vacuum pore cleaner is not aggressive. So you don't have to worry about injuring your skin. To get the best results, use it after opening the pores. Prepare your skin with some steam or take a hot shower to loosen your large pores. Most of the accumulated dirt and debris is on your nose, cheeks, forehead and chin. Concentrate on your problem areas and avoid your hairline and eye area. Do not use it more than two or three times a week. Later, use a moisturiser to soothe your skin. You will see clear skin within 2-3 weeks.Disinfect the extractor with hot, soapy water before next use.


Vacuum pore cleanser

Metime@home: treat yourself

Restore your vivid self-confidence with a deeper, cleaner, younger and more beautiful complexion. Gently remove stubborn make-up, deeply cleanse pores and reduce blackheads with maximum power and minimum effort, so you can parade your fresh, radiant skin again.

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